Thursday, November 26, 2009

Alone Time at Home

I havent had one of these in a while! Im staying home tonight as I have nothing else to do and to be frank i cant even be arsed to do anything tonight. im enjoying a nice cuppa with some crackers. lovely. I realised that my itch that can only be cured by having some time outside at a mamak disease gets boring after a while. so tonight! is the night that i will fallllll for nah im just kidding. as i was saying, tonight, is the night that i update everything down from Facebook to my blog. which has been neglected for oh so long! World Wide Web, I have returned.

1 comment:

jake_o125 said...

Shane tis I! your British counter part Jake. i cant seem to get in touch with you any other way and i have a question to ask you. right i had a dream last night that we were back in school and you were there and i cud talk to you telepathically and i said 'im 21 years old man, wtf am i doing back in school, and you said you were to and that we were from the future. now im just wondeirng did you have this dream too? it is crazy to ask this question i know... find me on facebook you.