Friday, September 4, 2009

Ketch-Up with Friends

I just got back from a long mamak session with the boys. which i havent been doing for a while now and i have to admit we did catch up on a lot. Aidel, Iqbal, Aidi and Fawwaz was there tonight, we just hung out at Mamak Bistro in 14.

As usual, i was outrageously yet fashionably late due to me hooking up the pond we got from grandma before i left to meet them. o yea we have a nice new pond now! with about 8 fishes! which im naming one of em Toto! after a special someone * wink wink if your reading this* lol

anyways yes back to the story, as always, i arrive and they make fun of me for being late and stuff. i was shocked to see all my friends with new haircuts, all shaven and clean cuts, with Aidel looking the most ridiculous. love it. i feel like shaving my hair now just to be part of the crew. but i was glad to say that Iqbal did question me upon my arrival ' asal rambut kau macam edward cullen sial?' hehe the look i was going for exactly. as much as i hate that chap, Val likes it and thinks i look sexy with that look so yea thats for you sayang :)

god damn it, i keep swaying off topic! anyways yes we resolved Fawwaz's little dilemma by giving a simple solution, which i hope he takes to heart. anyways yea we spoke about a lot more but mostly just rantings about random things like the embarassing malay behaviour. sometimes i just get annoyed with the people who ruin it for other people. sheesh.