Thursday, November 26, 2009


on my iPhone

Alone Time at Home

I havent had one of these in a while! Im staying home tonight as I have nothing else to do and to be frank i cant even be arsed to do anything tonight. im enjoying a nice cuppa with some crackers. lovely. I realised that my itch that can only be cured by having some time outside at a mamak disease gets boring after a while. so tonight! is the night that i will fallllll for nah im just kidding. as i was saying, tonight, is the night that i update everything down from Facebook to my blog. which has been neglected for oh so long! World Wide Web, I have returned.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Ketch-Up with Friends

I just got back from a long mamak session with the boys. which i havent been doing for a while now and i have to admit we did catch up on a lot. Aidel, Iqbal, Aidi and Fawwaz was there tonight, we just hung out at Mamak Bistro in 14.

As usual, i was outrageously yet fashionably late due to me hooking up the pond we got from grandma before i left to meet them. o yea we have a nice new pond now! with about 8 fishes! which im naming one of em Toto! after a special someone * wink wink if your reading this* lol

anyways yes back to the story, as always, i arrive and they make fun of me for being late and stuff. i was shocked to see all my friends with new haircuts, all shaven and clean cuts, with Aidel looking the most ridiculous. love it. i feel like shaving my hair now just to be part of the crew. but i was glad to say that Iqbal did question me upon my arrival ' asal rambut kau macam edward cullen sial?' hehe the look i was going for exactly. as much as i hate that chap, Val likes it and thinks i look sexy with that look so yea thats for you sayang :)

god damn it, i keep swaying off topic! anyways yes we resolved Fawwaz's little dilemma by giving a simple solution, which i hope he takes to heart. anyways yea we spoke about a lot more but mostly just rantings about random things like the embarassing malay behaviour. sometimes i just get annoyed with the people who ruin it for other people. sheesh.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Robot

Upon the stairway of despair,
Complete with broken love affairs
And promises that never came,
But faded with a touch of shame,
A gorgeous girl with golden red hair
And innocence so sadly rare,
Strove to keep her head above
A way of life devoid of love.

Feeling pinned against Life's wall,
She chanced upon a robot tall
And said, "Please come and share with me
Whatever Fate has deemed to be.
I'm through with love, done with chances
Spirit crushed by past romances,
Just be a friend in word and deed.
That's all that I shall ever need."

"There's not too much from me to learn,"
Remarked the robot, in return.
"Emotions do not form a part
of my cold, solid-steel heart.
Whatever maker fashioned me
Did not permit my circuitry
Responsiveness to love or pain -
You're thoughts for me would be in vain."

"No matter", spoke the maid. "No more
Do I wish passion to explore.
Be someone I can come home to
When my exhausting day is through.
Count yourself a well-worn shoe -
A friend that I can slip into . . .
Protection from a stone cold floor . . .
For this I ask and nothing more."

Agreement made, he took her hand
And lived the life that she had planned,
Always willing, not demanding,
Aiding her with understanding
He made her smile with humorous wit
(As his restrictions would permit)
And, bit by bit, she came to feel
That he was more than iron and steel.

"I love you, robot", she at last
Replied when several months had passed.
"You're strength and quiet dignity
Have brought a wondrous change in me.
No more do I feel all alone,
And pray you must be flesh and bone.
Deep-set emotions you MUST feel
Within that outer coat of steel!"

"If I were able, I would say
I'm sorry I was made this way
But my design and programmation
Does not provide for that creation
Of feelings normal men may feel
That were not born of iron and steel.
I told you all this once before.
You have no right expecting more."

"Go, then!" cried she. "I will not live
Beside a fiend who cannot give!
Though I be battered by misuse,
Misguided trust and strong abuse,
At least the men I chose were real
And had the power to love and feel.
Of all the lovers I recall,
You are the cruelest one of all!"

The robot, indestructible,
Continues freely and at will.
Emotionless, apparently,
But, bearing closer scrutiny,
One can see a small tear streak
Down that cold, metallic cheek
As I reflect upon my life . . .