The following tale is based on a true story...
It was approximately 2am when Val, Ogaba and I decided to go for a late night drink since we were so tired to continue doing anymore work. We all took our stuff and headed out the door towards the elevator.
In we stepped, and Val pressed the "SB" button on the elevator, and the doors begin to close on us.
The doors, as usual shut at a glacial pace....inch by inch.....
and another inch.....
when all of a sudden it comes to a halt with still about 4 inches more to go. All three of us looked at each other in disbelief and quickly realised. fuck. The elevators fucked.
We panicked and wondered what to do! SUDDENLY the elevator shakes violently and we hear a snapping sound?! We fell to the floor due to the sudden pulling forces of gravity. suspense.....
we could hear the screaking noises of the lift scraping against the walls! WE WERE FALLING!!!!
At that moment I felt a gigantic hand grab my arm and lifted me up as Ogaba smashed the ceiling of the lift! It blew to pieces and we looked up at dismay to the long shaft of the whole 20 floors of SRI CENDEKIA LIFT!!!
Ogaba then mightyfully threw me up and alongside me i saw Val crying in her tears of fear....I quickly grabbed her by the waist with my left arm and grabbed onto the cable. The weight of both of us pulled us down but with my superhuman like strength, i caught on and hung onto the cable for dear life.
We both looked down underneath our feet to see the elevator crashing down at great speed and that was the momumental historic second of that we realised.....OG had noway of escaping....Doomed.
A fiery explosion emerged from below and we....
nah im kidding. the real story was just that we got stuck in the lift for bout 15 minutes till the guard came and got us out. haha. pretty cool story though dont you think hehe.
It was approximately 2am when Val, Ogaba and I decided to go for a late night drink since we were so tired to continue doing anymore work. We all took our stuff and headed out the door towards the elevator.
In we stepped, and Val pressed the "SB" button on the elevator, and the doors begin to close on us.
The doors, as usual shut at a glacial pace....inch by inch.....
and another inch.....
when all of a sudden it comes to a halt with still about 4 inches more to go. All three of us looked at each other in disbelief and quickly realised. fuck. The elevators fucked.
We panicked and wondered what to do! SUDDENLY the elevator shakes violently and we hear a snapping sound?! We fell to the floor due to the sudden pulling forces of gravity. suspense.....
we could hear the screaking noises of the lift scraping against the walls! WE WERE FALLING!!!!
At that moment I felt a gigantic hand grab my arm and lifted me up as Ogaba smashed the ceiling of the lift! It blew to pieces and we looked up at dismay to the long shaft of the whole 20 floors of SRI CENDEKIA LIFT!!!
Ogaba then mightyfully threw me up and alongside me i saw Val crying in her tears of fear....I quickly grabbed her by the waist with my left arm and grabbed onto the cable. The weight of both of us pulled us down but with my superhuman like strength, i caught on and hung onto the cable for dear life.
We both looked down underneath our feet to see the elevator crashing down at great speed and that was the momumental historic second of that we realised.....OG had noway of escaping....Doomed.
A fiery explosion emerged from below and we....
nah im kidding. the real story was just that we got stuck in the lift for bout 15 minutes till the guard came and got us out. haha. pretty cool story though dont you think hehe.
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